Find your own unique way to serve others.

FPC Marietta offers many ways for youth and adults to get involved with our church community and the community at large. You don’t need experience to lend your time, just a can-do attitude and willingness to complete some training for certain opportunities.

Our church family is also happy to guide you to opportunities that may be a good fit for your time and talents.

Learn more about our mission partners and missionaries we support here →

If you are looking to sign up for a specific event, you can find it here →

Food Outreach Ministry
FPC Food Outreach Ministry packs and distributes food in our community every Tuesday. Our partner is Sweetwater Mission in Austell. We serve 250 families each week. Adult volunteers pack at Sweetwater between 9-11:30 AM. Volunteers of high school age and older distribute food in our parking lot on Tuesday evenings between 5-7:00 PM. In addition to morning and afternoon volunteer hours, we also accept donations of shelf-stable boxed and canned goods (pop top), diapers, baby wipes, and feminine hygiene products. If you (or your civic group) are interested in getting involved, please contact Martie Moore at

MUST Ministries
Find the list of needed food items here.
Sign up to pack and deliver MUST Summer Lunch here.

More than 6,000 volunteers serve through MUST, a multifaceted community ministry connecting people who have a desire to help with those who need help the most. Volunteer opportunities include after school tutoring and mentoring; manning the thrift shop or volunteering at the homeless shelter; giving food, clothing, and other items; running in the Thanksgiving Day Gobble Jog; or getting involved in the summer lunch program. First Presbyterian Church is a MUST Summer Lunch distribution site.

Club 3:30
Club 3:30 is an afterschool program for kids from local elementary schools. We need volunteers to provide a nurturing environment for these kids, helping them with homework, providing them with snack and hosting parties for special occasions. Contact Jauana Eidelwein.

Because Wednesday Night Supper has not resumed, the Mission Council and Club 3:30 would like to invite members of the congregation to assist in a meal for the 24 students enrolled in Club 3:30 on Wednesday afternoons at 5pm. Sign up here.

Rise Against Hunger
Rise Against Hunger’s mission is to end hunger in our lifetime by mobilizing a global network that provides food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable. They also respond to crises and empower communities to be more self-sustaining through agriculture and training.

Habitat for Humanity
Our partnership with the Cobb Habitat Interfaith Coalition which brings different faith communities together to build homes for families.

Red Cross
Donating blood makes a big difference in the lives of others. FPC hosts 2 blood drives each year.

The Extension
The Extension provides comprehensive addiction treatment services and life rehabilitation at two resident facilities – one for men and one for women. FPC supports The Extension through donations of money, supplies, and volunteers to prepare meals, make repairs, teach life skills classes, and more.

Disaster Relief Response Team
Serve on an as-needed basis in response to local and national disasters. Projects may be short or long-term. Contact Rev. Joe Brice.

Choirs and performance arts
Check out all of our opportunities for youth and adults to share their musical talents or sharpen their skills on our Music & Fine Arts page.

Church Ministry Photographer
Two or more photographers are needed to cover all church and ministry happenings at FPC to be used in print materials and on the web.
Contact Kelly Dewar at or 770-427-0293 x241.

At FPC we believe that active worship experiences help build a foundation of faith in people of all ages. That’s why we are excited to share with you the many ways our children and youth can take an active role in leadership at FPC.

Become a Leader. Get started →

Club 3:30
Club 3:30 is an afterschool program for kids from local elementary schools. We need volunteers to provide a nurturing environment for these kids, helping them with homework, providing them with snack and hosting parties for special occasions. Contact Jauana Eidelwein.

Children’s Sunday School Teachers
Sundays from 9:45am-10:45am
Share the stories of God and His people on Sunday mornings with preschool and elementary age children. You’ll work with a team of teachers using a provided curriculum.
Contact Catherine Breed.

Children’s Church Leaders
Sundays from 11am-12pm
Following the children’s message during our 11am Sunday service, we need volunteers to escort preschoolers, kindergarteners and 1st graders to a small group setting and lead them in age-appropriate worship. Leaders serve one Sunday per month and curriculum is provided. Contact Catherine Breed.

A/V Technical Support
Sunday service at 8:30am and/or 11am
Enhance our weekly worship experiences through Audio and Visual Arts. Serve as an audio technician, video camera operator, or visual presentation specialist.
Contact Will Myers.

Chancel Guild
Join us in decorating the Sanctuary and Great Hall in preparation for Sunday worship and special services, including Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday.

Pew Preparers
Thursdays & Fridays
In preparation for Sunday services, we need volunteers to replenish Friendship pads printed materials in the Sanctuary pews as well as the Great Hall.
Contact Becca Yan.

My Handy Friend
The purpose of this ministry is to provide a service to our members with limited ability such as age, physical, or economic ability, who need some assistance. Our goal is to create a team of qualified volunteers who will provide safe, reliable repairs or help. If you are in need of assistance or would like to volunteer your time and skills, please fill out this form and someone will be in touch with you. Questions? Contact Paul Sherwood at 770-427-0293 or Ken Miner at 315-263-0827.

Stephen Ministry
Share compassion and the love of Christ by providing one-on-one support for people in transition or going through a difficult time. You’ll be provided with extensive training in this two-year commitment. Confidentiality is of utmost importance as you support others through listening and prayer. Contact Claire Francis.

Caring Ministry
Bring your encouraging spirit to our members who don’t have family in the area or can’t join us for church services. We’ll help arrange home visits so you can brighten their day. Contact Paul Sherwood.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Love to knit or crochet? Put your crafty fingers to work in a prayerful way. Make shawls, wraps and lap blankets for people in need of encouragement during difficult times, health or otherwise. Items can be knitted or crocheted at home, then brought to the church. Yarn is available for those who need it for this cause. Contact Ann Fowler.

Neighborhood Group Leaders
Contact Paul Sherwood or Becca Yan.

Serve the church by volunteering at the Front Desk, recording attendance, or helping with data entry. Contact Melissa Ricketts.

American writer Max Eastman wrote, “A smile is the universal welcome.” We’re looking for your smile to welcome members and visitors as they come to church on Sunday mornings, attend Sunday School classes or get acquainted with other ministries.

Contact Matt Burnham.

Wedding Guild
Guild members work with pastors, brides, grooms and families in preparation for wedding services held at FPC Marietta. Contact Susan Palacios.

Funeral Guild
Offer compassion and support to those grieving the loss of a loved one as you help them make arrangements. You’ll prepare the Sanctuary and library, and also assist the ministers and funeral home as needed in preparation for the service. Contact Marti Miner.

first presbyterian marietta missions

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of god’s grace in its various forms.”

– 1 Peter 4:10


We’d love to hear from you, whether you have a question, suggestion or just want to get involved. Fill out this form to get in touch. And be sure to connect with us on social media to join our online community.