FPC 101
Sundays, September 8, 15, and 22
9:45-10:45 | History Room
Are you new to FPC? Join us for our new member class. Learn more about FPC and what it means to be Presbyterian, and meet some fellow new members!
Questions? Contact Rev. Cassie Waits.
Churchwide Picnic
Sunday, September 15 following 11am Worship
Sunday’s Picnic is still on! We’re moving to Holland Hall, but the BBQ will still be hot, bluegrass will still be playing, and you’re still welcome to dress casually. Greeters will be at the doors of the Gathering Space with carts beginning at 10:30 to receive your sides/desserts and we will be able to keep them cool/warm in the kitchen. Antonio is smoking up our BBQ and we will have big fun! The church is providing BBQ, hot dogs, beverages and paper products and you’re invited to fill in the rest – if your last name begins with A-M, please bring a side and if your last name begins with N-Z, please bring a dessert. Hope to see you there!
FPC Pedalers
Wednesday, September 18 | 9am
Meet at the Florence Road Trailhead (mile marker 11.7 on Silver Comet Trail)
This is a social activity, not a race! We ride for fun. The trail is mostly in the shade.
We usually ride an hour out and an hour back, but we can modify the ride to fit the needs of the group.
Youth Room Project Fundraiser
A Night of Karaoke
September 19 | 6-9pm | Glover Park Brewery
With special appearance by your FPC Pastors!
Ticket & drink proceeds benefit the Youth Room Renovation Project.
Free admission for Youth
$20/ticket includes dinner! Purchase tickets here.
Tartan Road Market
Calling all makers and artisans!
Want to be a vendor at the Tartan Road Market?
The Music and Arts Committee is accepting applications online through October 5. Apply here.
The market will be held on November 3 from 12:00-4:30 pm.
Please contact Ginny Payne here with any questions.
Monday Night Men’s Group
Mondays, September 23 and October 28
6pm | Glover Room
This group continues its study of Daniel with Brennan Breed. They will have a Christmas gathering at the home of Jennifer and Russell Davis on December 16. Contact John Knox at Jdknox162@gmail.com to join!
Blessing of the Animals
Saturday, October 5
10am | Main Parking Lot
Bring your pets for a special blessing!
All are welcome!
Refugee Assistance
Saturday, October 5
Sign up here to join the coalition of churches for a day of service in Clarkston, GA.
Check out the list of needed donations to support new refugees and expectant families.
Active Shooter Training
Sunday, October 6 | 1-3pm
Marietta Police Department (MPD) and ALERRT(Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training) will present Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE).
The seminar will discuss how to prepare and respond to help save lives. Your immediate actions during that time can make a difference in the outcome of the event.
Plan to bring a lunch or grab a quick bite to eat if worshiping at 11am.
FPC Kitchen Training
Wednesday, October 9 at 5:30pm
Sunday, October 13 following 11am worship
Curious about our FPC kitchen? Attend an upcoming training!
We’re excited to share all the ins and outs of our kitchen’s equipment during TWO upcoming trainings led by our own Mary Beth Heise, Food Ministry Coordinator. Come meet Mary Beth and get trained in how our kitchen equipment operates and then join in the fun of cooking together with your church family!
Questions? Email Meri Kate Marcum here.
Youth Parking Lot Fundraiser
Saturday, October 12 – Sunday, October 13
Hep our youth raise funds for missions by volunteering to collect parking donations!
Rise Against Hunger
Sunday, October 13
4-6pm | Great Hall
Help us pack 15,000 and raise $6,000 to end hunger!
This is a family-friendly event. All ages are welcome to participate.
Participants must register prior to event.
Want to learn more about Rise Against Hunger? Click here.
Haunted Hallway (4-5pm only)
Chili Cook-Off
Sunday, October 27 from 4-6pm
This will be a BIG time for ALL ages at FPC! We hope to see you there!
Want to provide a trunk? Email Betsy Sherwood here.
Want to enter the chili cookoff? Email Pam Googe here.
Have a youth interested in helping with the Haunted Hallway? Email Jana Chesney here.
Mass of the Children
Sunday, November 3 | 5pm
free and open to the public
Composed by John Rutter after the sudden death of his son Christopher, Mass of the Children is a fitting composition for All Saints Sunday. Featuring the Georgia Youth Choir, the FPC Chancel Choir, and local musicians, this work was composed out of Rutter’s desire to bring children and adults together, in the same way that performances of Britten’s War Requiem had done for him when a school chorister. Please join us.
October 20
November 10
January 12
March 23
Fellowship Breakfast Resumes
9:15-10:15am | Holland Hall | $7/person $25/family max
Sundays, 10am-12pm
If you would like to speak to a Stephen Minister during their on-call hours, please see the Front Desk receptionist or speak to an on-duty deacon.
So much in life can sideline us: illness, grief, job loss, financial crisis, aging, separation or divorce, loneliness, birth or adoption, spiritual crisis… sometimes we just need someone to talk to about it all. Trained Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with distinctively Christian one-on-one caregiving as you deal with any life difficulty or transition.