Advent Lecture Series

Sundays, December 1-22 | 9:45-10:45am

with Dr. Brennan Breed

Angel Tree

November 17 – December 15

Help provide gifts for children in foster care or in need of support during the holidays. Choose an angel tag off the tree in the Gathering Space. Purchase the gift on the tag and deliver it unwrapped to the box in the Gathering Space.

This year we are offering Sunday School classes, Bible Studies, Families and any group to participate by sponsoring a child and purchasing all of their gifts.

Children’s Christmas Mission & Party

Sunday, December 1

4:30-6:45pm | PreK-5th Grade

Children will meet at the church then be driven to to Atherton Place to sing a few Christmas songs and hand out treats to residents. We will return to FPC for our Christmas party where pizza and cookies will be served. Nursery will be provided for younger siblings.



November 17 – December 18

Poinsettias will decorate the Great Hall and Sanctuary. Consider donating one or more in memory of a loved one or to honor a special person at Christmastime. Forms will be available below and in the Gathering Space.

Churchwide Retreat

March 7-9, 2025

Montreat, North Carolina

Live Nativity

Sunday, December 15 | 4-6pm

Join us at the manger in Bethlehem!

Feed live animals, and enjoy games and hot chocolate.

Don’t miss our Lessons & Carols Service at 5pm in the Great Hall!

Lessons & Carols

Sunday, December 15 | 5pm

with Chancel Choir, Bells, and Brass

Join us as we read the Christmas story and sing our favorite Christmas carols.

The Longest Night 

Thursday, December 19 | 7pm | Sanctuary

This is a more subdued and reflective worship service, especially for those who struggle during the holidays. Communion will be served.

Christmas Joy Offering

Collected in worship each Sunday in Advent

God has blessed the Church with incredible leadership in every time and place, but those leaders often need to be supported by their communities as well. This Offering addresses the support needed by some of our leaders, including supporting leadership development for communities of color, and providing support for Presbyterian church workers in their time of need.

Christmas Eve Family Service

Tuesday, December 24 | 4pm | Great Hall

Children ages PreK3 – Grade 5 and Youth take part in telling the Christmas Story. Baby gift items will be collected for the Georgia Division of Family and Children’s Services.

Details coming soon!

Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 24

12pm Sanctuary Communion

4pm Great Hall Family Service
Children ages PreK 3-Grade 5 and youth take part in telling of the Christmas story. Baby gift items will be collected for the Georgia Division of Family and Children’s Services.

7pm Great Hall Candlelight
A nursery is available for this service.

11pm Sanctuary Candlelight & Communion

Club 330 Dinner

Provide Wednesday dinner for our Club 330 kids!