My Handy Friend
The purpose of this ministry is to provide a service to our members with limited ability such as age, physical, or economic ability, who need some assistance. Our goal is to create a team of qualified volunteers who will provide safe, reliable repairs or help. If you are in need of assistance or would like to volunteer your time and skills, please fill out this form and someone will be in touch with you. Questions? Contact Paul Sherwood at 770-427-0293 or Ken Miner at 315-263-0827.
Stephen Ministry
So much in life can sideline us: illness, grief, job loss, financial crisis, aging, separation or divorce, loneliness, birth or adoption, spiritual crisis… sometimes we just need someone to talk to about it all. Trained Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with distinctively Christian one-on-one caregiving as you deal with any life difficulty or transition. Stephen Ministers are available every Sunday in Room 243 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., or at any time by request.
To request a Stephen Minister or to serve as one, contact Claire Francis at (770) 427-3606.
Grief Support
There is nothing logical about the grief process. Loved ones come to mind at the oddest of moments, and you may find yourself angry or crying just when you thought you were feeling better. Give yourself lots of grace to grieve in your own way, and reach out to some loving people for care and support. FPC offers Grief Support Groups periodically, and our Stephen Ministers are here to offer a listening ear any time.
To meet with a Stephen Minister, contact Claire Francis at (770) 427-3606. Contact Rev. Paul Sherwood at (770) 427-0293 x256 for information about a Grief Support Group.