We invite you to join our church family.

At First Presbyterian Church, we believe joining a church as an official member is an important step. We don’t get to pick our biological families, but we do get to choose a church home where we will worship God and invest time, energy, and resources for his kingdom. Becoming a member is simply a way of letting the rest of the church know that you are committed to the life of this church, and for the church membership to receive you as a new member of the family.

New Member Orientation Class

If you would like to know more about FPC, are a new member, or are considering becoming a member, we ask you watch this series of videos. These videos detail the core beliefs which inspire what we do as a church, what it means to be part of a Presbyterian church, and provides an opportunity to learn about FPC’s ministries!

Want to learn more?
Contact Ken Farrar at kenfarrar764@gmail.com.