Welcome to FPC!

This church welcomes you no matter who you are or from where you come. We are Christ’s people, and this is Christ’s place with its doors open wide. If you are passing through, Godspeed; if you are looking for a home, stay here; if you need instruction, we can learn together. We invite you to return often.

We hope that as you navigate these pages, you’ll get a sense of who we are and find your place at FPC! Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email our Director of Communications here.

About Us
First Presbyterian Church (FPC) is located right in the heart of Marietta, surrounded by historic homes, museums and the iconic Marietta Square. The Sanctuary, home to our 8:30am traditional worship service, is itself a historic landmark.

FPC isn’t a staff-run church. It’s run by people like you, with dedicated staff ready to offer support. The democratic system of governance instituted long ago by the founders of the Presbyterian Church remains the foundation of how we operate today.

This congregation is a PC(USA) church, a Hunger Action Congregation, and a Stephen Ministry Congregation.

Meet our Staff.

Learn more about our history and structure here.

Worship at FPC
Sundays at 8:30am in our historic Sanctuary and 11:00am in the Great Hall.
Children are invited to pick up worship items from the blue car at the entrance to the Sanctuary and Great Hall. Following the Children’s Time during the 11am service, children in 4yr PreK through 1st grade may leave for Children’s Church with children’s ministry leaders.

Nursery for Infants through 4-yr-olds: 9:30am-12:15pm (Summer months: 10:45am-12:15pm)

Sunday School for Adults & Children: 9:45-10:45am

Fellowship Breakfast:
A hot breakfast is served most Sundays August – May.
Find specific dates on our full calendar here.
9:15am-10:30am | Holland Hall
$7/person or $28/family max

Learn more about worship at FPC here.


You’ll be welcomed to the FPC family in any attire. You’ll find the majority of our congregants dressed in traditional Sunday dress. Younger generations are choosing more casual dress, wearing jeans or slacks.

We have several parking lots, and encourage visitors, those needing handicap access and our elderly members to use our reserved parking area located in the main parking lot closest to the church.