
Lent begins March 5 with Ash Wednesday.

Find all Lent and Easter opportunities and services below.

Spring Concerts

Tuesday, March 18 | 7pm | Sanctuary
Duo Arpeggione (cellist Dr. Claudio Jaffe & pianist Dr. Catherine Lan

Tuesday, March 25 | 7pm | Sanctuary
Eurasia Trio (Qiao Chen Solomon: Violinist and professor Martin Gueorguiev: Cellist, Paolo Andre Gualdi: Pianist)

Children & Youth Worship

Sunday, March 23 at 11am Worship

Join us as our Children Ministry, Preschool, and Youth Group lead worship!

Children & Youth Spring Mission

Help us assemble Cake Kits for the Pantry on Church!

Children through 5th grade, please see details and sign up below!

Garden Walks

Saturday, April 26 | 10am-2pm

Volunteers are needed for our first annual FPC Garden Walks!

Prior to the event, gardens will some prep-work done (light planting, spreading mulch, pickup pinecones & debris, moving lawn furniture).

On the day of the walk, volunteers are needed to greet guests and assist in tasks such as overseeing parking and giving directions for the walk. Find details and register below!

All volunteers will be eligible to attend a pre-tour party on April 25 for fellowship tour the gardens.

Youth Group



March 2: Youth meeting & Manners with Mimi

March 9: Churchwide retreat. No Youth

March 16: Regular Youth Meeting

March 23: Children & Youth led Worship at 11AM

March 23: Youth Meeting with Mission Project

March 30: Regular Youth Meeting

Autism Family Support Group

3rd Thursdays | 7:00-8:30pm | Room 051

for families of those on the autism spectrum including information about school and community resources.

Club 330 Dinner

Provide Wednesday dinner for our Club 330 kids!