Adult Sunday School Classes Resume September 8!
Learn more at our Discipleship Fair this morning from 9:30-10:45am in Holland Hall. All adult Sunday School classes are held on our lower level from 9:45-10:45am.

This class will study the Gospel of John.
Discussion class with regular socials and missions. Room 049

Verbo Class
This class will study “Faces of Jesus: Latin American Cristologies” by Jose Miguez Bonino. Discussion class in Portuguese. Taught by Dr. Regi Braga. Room 052.

The following classes will lead studies on the Lectionary:
New Seasons
Guided discussions with regular socials. Room 051

30-50s Class
Guided discussion for those in their 30s-50s. Room 053

Faith Builders
Lecture and discussion with regular socials for older adults. Room 057

Popsicles in the Park

Sunday, September 8th from 5:30-6:30pm

Toddlers-5th Grade

Lewis Park-475 Campbell Hill Street, Marietta

Come join us at Lewis Park to play and hang out with friends. Popsicles and water will be available. You are welcome to bring a picnic dinner with you as well. We hope to see you there!

Churchwide PIcnic

Sunday, September 15
following 11am Worship

Dress casually for worship then join us for bluegrass, good food, and fellowship!

Entree and drinks provided

Last Names A-M bring a side | N-Z bring a dessert

FPC 101

Sundays, September 8, 15, and 22

9:45-10:45 | History Room

Are you new to FPC? Join us for our new member class. Learn more about FPC and what it means to be Presbyterian, and meet some fellow new members!

Questions? Contact Rev. Cassie Waits.

Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study

Join us, and bring a friend on Tuesdays for our new 10-week study!

9:30am-12:00pm beginning September 10 | Room 055 Lower Level

God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1-18 by Jen Wilkin
Jen Wilkin shows us that Israel’s story is our story. The same God who delivered Israel also delivers all those He loves.

We have refreshments, workbook discussion time, and a 30 min video
You don’t have to know the bible to be a part of our group. We are all learning!

Workbooks available from Amazon,, , ISBN13# 978-1087765549

Any Questions? Contact Linda Bush at 770-856-8443 or email her here.

Youth Room Project Fundraiser


A Night of Karaoke

September 19 | 6-9pm | Glover Park Brewery

With special appearance by your FPC Pastors!

Ticket & drink proceeds benefit the Youth Room Renovation Project.

Free admission for Youth

$20/ticket includes dinner! Purchase tickets here.

Refugee Assistance

Saturday, October 5

Sign up here to join the coalition of churches for a day of service in Clarkston, GA.

Check out the list of needed donations to support new refugees and expectant families.


October 20

November 10

January 12

March 23

Fellowship Breakfast Resumes
9:15-10:15am | Holland Hall | $7/person $25/family max


Sundays, 10am-12pm

If you would like to speak to a Stephen Minister during their on-call hours, please see the Front Desk receptionist or speak to an on-duty deacon.

So much in life can sideline us: illness, grief, job loss, financial crisis, aging, separation or divorce, loneliness, birth or adoption, spiritual crisis… sometimes we just need someone to talk to about it all. Trained Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with distinctively Christian one-on-one caregiving as you deal with any life difficulty or transition.


We’d love to hear from you, whether you have a question, suggestion or just want to get involved. Fill out this form to get in touch. And be sure to connect with us on social media to join our online community.