Thursday, December 21

7pm | Sanctuary

For some, the Christmas season marks a milestone after a life-changing loss. Grief for our loved ones does not end after a few weeks or months, and it is natural to feel out of sync with traditional Christmas cheer.

If this is your experience, consider participating in the Longest Night service. This contemplative remembrance of Christ’s birth is for anyone who has experienced a loss this year or who finds the Christmas season difficult.


4th Sunday in Advent Worship
Sunday, December 24 | 11am Worship Only | Great Hall
Special Music: Kirk Ringers
The Nursery and Children’s Church will be available during this service. No Sunday School

Christmas Eve Worship
Sunday, December 24

4pm Great Hall – Family Service
Children ages PreK 3-Grade 5 and youth take part in telling of the Christmas story. Diapers and wipes will be collected to support the Pantry on Church.

Find details about how your children and youth can participate here.

Youth, sign up to volunteer here.

7pm Great Hall – Candlelight
Special Music: Chancel Choir | A nursery is available for this service.

11pm Sanctuary – Candlelight Communion
Special Music: Strings

Additional Information:
Sunday, December 31: 8:30am (Sanctuary) and 11:00am (Great Hall) Worship
The following will not be held: Sunday School for Children or Adults, Children’s Church, Nursery

Sunday School, Children’s Church, Journey, and Youth resume on January 7.
Confirmation Class will begin on January 7
Fellowship Breakfast will resume on January 21.


Sunday, December 17
8:30 & 11:00am Worship

God has blessed the Church with incredible leadership in every time and place, but those leaders often need to be supported by their communities as well. This Offering addresses the support needed by some of our leaders, including supporting leadership development for communities of color, and providing support for Presbyterian church workers in their time of need.

Give online here.


We’d love to hear from you, whether you have a question, suggestion or just want to get involved. Fill out this form to get in touch. And be sure to connect with us on social media to join our online community.