Nurturing our children to grow in Christ.
At First Presbyterian Marietta, we’re always finding new ways to help kids grow spiritually and learn what it means to be a part of the family of God. Our teachers, mentors, staff and volunteers demonstrate the unconditional love of Jesus by extending that same unconditional love to the children in our faith community. We provide safe outlets for play, song and prayer that truly engage young minds, all while giving parents tools to continue modeling what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Creating an inclusive and supportive environment for children of all abilities is something we value deeply. If your child has special needs, please reach out—we’re happy to craft worship and learning experiences that work best for your family.
Explore all the wonderful ways kids can connect with FPC Marietta below.
Ages 6 weeks – 4 years
Sundays from 9:30am – 12:15pm
(During the Summer, on first Sunday of school breaks, and holiday weekends, the Nursery Hours are 10:45am-12:15pm)
Located in rooms #100-103
While parents attend Sunday services or connect with other adults in the FPC community, our nursery offers their children a safe environment for joy, play, song and hugs. Little ones are greeted by name, cared for by carefully chosen staff, and treated like the precious members of God’s family they are.
Nursery care is sometimes available for special services and performances outside of our typical weekly schedule. To check availability and make a reservation, call our front desk at 770-427-0293.

Sunday School
Sundays from 9:45am – 10:45am
(No Sunday School during the summer. On the first Sunday of school breaks, and on holiday weekends, the Nursery Hours are 10:45am-12:15pm)
Ages 2 through 5th grade
Children’s Sunday School will break for June and July.
We divide children into age groups to offer an age-appropriate Sunday School class featuring a Bible story, songs, crafts, and a simple snack. Teachers are available as needed to escort children after class.

Children’s Church
4 year old pre-K – 1st grade
Sundays during the 11am service
Kids begin the 11am worship service with their families and the greater congregation, and then can join our worship leader for Children’s Time at the front of the church. From there, they’ll move to a smaller room to spend the remainder of the hour connecting with other kids and our volunteer leaders. It’s a great opportunity for them to hear the scripture broken down in a way that resonates with young minds. Parents can pick up their children at the end of the service at the Children’s Ministry desk.

At FPC we believe that active worship experiences help build a foundation of faith in people of all ages. That’s why we are excited to share with you the many ways our children and youth can take an active role in leadership at FPC.
FPC Weekday Preschool
Ages 18 months – 4 years
Find out everything you need to know about our preschool, including our philosophy, registration dates and more.
Parents Day Out
Club Scout Pack 252
Boy Scouts Troop 252
Monday night from 7-8:30pm
Contact Matt McNeil.
*Disclaimer: By participating in programs at First Presbyterian Church you consent to allowing FPC to use photos or video of you and your children for promotional purposes. Contact Kelly Dewar

Have questions about our children’s programming or want to get involved?
Reach out to our dedicated staff anytime.
Catherine Breed
When can my child take Communion?
While there’s no right answer to this question, parents can get an idea of their child’s readiness based on their interest and ability to engage during a worship service. Your child may even start requesting participation in the Lord’s Supper, which gives you the chance to have a conversation about what it really means.
The Book of Order of the PC (USA) states that “invitation to the Lord’s Supper is extended to all who have been baptized…baptized children who are being nurtured and instructed in the significance of the invitation to the Table and the meaning of their response are invited to receive the Lord’s Supper, recognizing that their understanding of participation will vary according to their maturity.” (W-2.4011)
So parents, ask yourself these questions:
1. Has my child been baptized?
2. Have I taught my child what Communion is about or has my child been to a sacraments class?
3. Do I feel my child understands on his or her own level what it means to take Communion?
If you answered yes to these questions, your child is ready and welcome to receive the Lord’s Supper. To assist parents in this step, Family Ministry offers Sacraments classes each year, and materials for individual instruction are available.
When can I baptize my child?
A child of any church member is welcome to be baptized at FPC Marietta. We baptize by aspersion—commonly known as “sprinkling”—by placing a small amount of water on the head of the person to be baptized. Baptisms take place during Sunday worship as a public declaration of faith among our church community. (Private baptisms are only offered in extenuating circumstances.) Before this special event, a pastor will meet with your family to discuss the meaning of baptism and the commitment it carries.
Baptism isn’t limited to children, and we encourage interested adults to reach out and learn more.