2nd Grade Bible Presentation

The Second Grade Bible Presentation will take place on Sunday, August 18 during the 11am worship service. In order to guarantee a personalized Bible, this form must be submitted no later than August 13, 2024. Email Meri Kate Marcum at MeriKateMarcum@fpcmarietta.org for more information.

Parent/Guardian Name
Will your child be present to receive his/her Bible at the 11am service on Sunday, August 18?

Birthday Crew

We are looking for a "Birthday Visit" crew. All that is needed is about 15 minutes of your time on selected days (birthdays!) to visit and sing Happy Birthday to our members who are no longer able to be out and about. Here's the plan: let us know you are interested, then as the dates/times/places are confirmed, we will contact you with details about how to sign up. We will need 6 - 10 people for each visit. We'd meet at their home or care facility and are planning to spend about 15 minutes there. Everyone is welcome and singing ability is NOT required. Contact Joanne MacDonald (770-335-9959) with questions.

About You

Your Name(Required)

How Can We Reach You?